The Right Choice of Bracelets for You



Over the years many types of men’s bracelets have emerged. From the stacked bracelets   that are worn to beach parties, to the rubber bracelets that caused a furor among the children of the nineties. And how can we forget about the neon plastic bracelets that became fashionable in 2018 and suddenly appeared on dolls around the world.

But regardless of trends, there is something that always remains: bracelets

The bracelet is one of the easiest accessories to wear. A small strip of leather or beads is enough to give a different touch to your outfit and can help you express your personality without speaking. You can use it to show that you have a life outside the office or that you are interested in certain things.

The key to wearing a bracelet is naturalness

Keep this in mind and you will no longer sting every time a new bracelet becomes awful or makes it look like you just came back from a month-long yoga retreat in Bali.

How To Choose The Right Bracelet

To find naturalness you just have to take into account some basic aspects:

  • Proportions and fit
  • Overall style
  • The place you are going to

Proportions And Fit

The bracelet must be proportional to your measurement and of the appropriate size. So, if your wrist is wide, use large bracelets and if it is thin, small bracelets. Also, the bracelet should be snug enough to be comfortable for you. Some bracelets, such as those with beads that go over an elastic band, are one size fits all and their limit is in their stretching capacity.

The large, bulky metal bracelets that go up and down your arm are soon spoiled. All heavy models should fit snugly, while lighter models may have more space. As shown 6mm bolus brown leather bracelet

How to find the right size

For the bracelet to feel good, there must be a little free space between the wrist and her but not too much, so that it is not moving all the time from top to bottom on your forearm or hand. You have to be able to put one or two fingers between the bracelet and your wrist.

A good trick would be to do with your bracelets the same as with your watches; that is, place them under your sleeve. Remember this if you are going to wear a thick bracelet, as it could form lumps under your cuff, or one that does not fit at the sleeve.

Overall Style And Look

What image are you looking for? This is the key question. The bracelets – as well as the rest of the accessories – are used to give a personalized touch to the look. Think about the message you are trying to convey with your style.

Do you remember the naturalness? That is what we are looking for

A good option is to use natural materials such as leather, wool or stones, as they do not go out of style and improve over time. The color of these materials is also easier to wear because it matches almost all clothes.

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