Eco Friendly Davine Hair Salon Vancouver



Everyone is making changes these days.  We’re among those doing the changes and are proud to announce that we have been making as many positive steps as possible in the direction of eco-friendly salon services.  Is it required?  Maybe not, but here at Heartbreaker Salon Vancouver, we take the comfort and satisfaction of our customers seriously.  We know that you care about the planet and, as a business that contributes to that, we’ve made some serious strides to change that.

What does that mean for you?

Not only do we take our commitment to the planet seriously, we also take our commitment to our customers seriously.  Those who are pregnant or have sensitivities or allergies to chemicals are no longer exempt from coming into our salons and getting their services done.  Those who focus a lot of energy on living chemical-free lives now have the option of getting their services done without contributing to a chemical-rich industry as well.  

How are we eco-friendly?

It sounds pretty great, right?  But what does it mean in actuality? We are one of the first hair salons in Vancouver to focus on all of the following details.

  • We conserve water: We use a lot of water naturally at the salon, of course.  However we’ve made the changes to use better, energy-efficient faucets, stopped leaks, and focused on minimizing our water use as much as possible.  This includes having a plumber come in and check our salon out from top to bottom to check for any weakenings or losses that could be changed.
  • We separate recyclable waste: You’ve seen this at the shopping centres and now we do it, too!  We focus on separating on all our various wastes so that we can repurpose or recycle as much as possible and give it a second, third or fourth life and reduce landfill consumption.
  • We minimize single-use products: Another huge waste for many salons in Vancouver is tin foil and other “single-waste” products.  As much as possible, we maximise our tin foil use (while still giving you the quality you deserve, of course) and when we do use it, our tinfoil contains as much recycled material as possible so that we are part of the extended lifestyle that we believe in so much.
  • We use smart and energy-efficient machines: Our washing appliances are all top of the line, high efficiency ones that prioritize maximum dependability and commercial strength, but with reduced energy use.  From sinks to washing machines to hair dryers, we have the best of the best to reduce our own energy grid needs.

This change from traditional to an eco-friendly salon doesn’t mean a whole lot of changes for us or our stylists in day to day operations.  But, it does mean a huge, important change to our own footprint within the world of commercial waste.  This is an important change to us for many reasons and we hope that you will see it that way, too.  As more technologies and opportunities arise to become even more eco-friendly, we are looking forward to adopting those, too, and making sure that we stay at the forefront of eco-friendly, responsible hair salon practices!

Wholesale Beauty Supply Store

Everyone seems to be out with their own agenda these days in selling.  If you are trying your best to hunt for a beauty supply store that is going to help you in your search for good products, your best choice is a wholesale beauty supply store.  Sure, there are a few out there, but ours is going to be the right call for you.  See for yourself!

What is a wholesale beauty supply store?

A wholesale beauty supply store is a business who carefully stocks the best beauty supplies so that you, the customer, can trust them as your go-to when you’re looking for great products that are actually, you know, good for your beauty needs.  What makes wholesalers different from retailers?

Wholesale beauty suppliers…

  • Love what they do: When setting up a beauty supply store, they are doing it because they love the idea of selling beauty supplies.  It sounds simple ,but it’s an important distinction.  Retailers are just looking to “make a quick buck” on whatever the customer’s looking to buy.  Beauty wholesale shops pick products that they love, first, and can’t wait to tell you about them!

    Most wholesalers focus on offering only the products that they’ve got a personal connection to, that’s why you tend to see only a handful of brands in a wholesale shop rather than every option under the sun.  This means that you’ll get a personal opinion on the product that you’re looking at.
  •  Offer you maximum discounts: You get to have the discounts that you deserve.  No retail mark-ups or other hush-hush pricing faux-pas.  Just real wholesale product prices that pass the savings onto you so that you can get the price and amount that you’re looking for from a true trusted source. 

    You’ll get some great high end products that they can personally vouch for and you’ll be able to enjoy them at discounted prices that you won’t find at any other kind of retail outlet no matter where you go.  Who doesn’t love that, right?
  • Are in it for the right reasons: Simply put, wholesale beauty suppliers are in the industry to help customers get all of the beauty products and tools that they need to feel at their best.

    While there are some wholesalers who are simply out to make some money, anyone who is long-term is focusing on promoting brands and products that they believe in and want to help others enjoy.  This all means a better overall experience for the customer on the hunt for something trustworthy and worthwhile.

There’s never been a better way to go shopping for beauty supplies and tools than through a wholesale supplier.  Even if it’s something that you’ve never tried for yourself, it’s one of those things that will prove its worth to you from the first time you do try it, and you’ll never want to go back to the traditional retail mark-up and the commercial focus that is so normal everywhere else that you’ve shopped in the past.

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